
Kind Folk Trio


april 4



Event Website

Amfipladsen 6, 5000 Odense, Denmark


Kind Folk er en musikgruppe bestående af tre talentfulde musikere fra Danmark, Island og Tyskland. Trioens lyd er påvirket af skandinavisk folkemusik, ECM artister og jazz elementer. Kontrabassist Thor Johansen, sangerinde Björg Blondal og pianist Simon Gelsdorf tager dig med på en rejse blandt kendte sange med nye klangflader. Vores mål er at bringe folk sammen om den tradition vi alle går rundt med trods vores forskelligheder.

Trioen spiller traditionelle sange som årstidssange og højskolesange fra deres respektive hjemlande i moderne lys med nye arrangementer. Hjemsøgende melodier, komplekse rytmer og frodige harmonier væver elementer fra jazz, folkemusik og klassisk musik sammen.

De henter inspiration fra deres naturens skønhed i deres respektive hjemlande og videregiver traditionelle sange i et nyt lys. Musikken virker som limen i samfundet, og Kind Folk finder stor fornøjelse I at møde deres publikum gennem musikken til en smuk koncert.


Kind Folk is a music group consisting of three talented musicians from Denmark, Iceland, and Germany. The trio’s sound is influenced by Scandinavian folk music, ECM artists, and jazz elements. Double bassist Thor Johansen, singer Björg Blondal, and pianist Simon Gelsdorf take you on a journey among familiar Danish and Icelandic songs within new sonic landscapes.

Their music is characterised by familiar, haunting melodies, complex rhythms, and lush harmonies that weave elements from jazz, folk music, and classical music together. From delicate ballads to driving, energetic rhythms, the group’s compositions are evidence of their musicality and dedication to their craft.

They draw inspiration from the natural beauty of their respective homelands and present traditional songs in a new light. It is their goal to bring people together around the tradition we all carry despite our differences. Music acts as the glue in society, and they feel it is their job to connect with you through music for a beautiful concert.

– Studerende // Students: 50,- kr.
– Ikke-studerende // Non-students: 75,- kr.

– Studerende // Students: 60,- kr.
– Ikke-studerende // Non-students: 85.- kr.

Der er obligatorisk garderobe.
Garderoben koster 25,- kr.

Dørene åbner en time før koncerten.